The Adventure Calls Podcast

Everywhere is Queer, with social entrepreneur Charlie Sprinkman

Jessica Drucker

Ever been in a new town or city and wondered where all the queers are? Charlie Sprinkman is here to help us with that!

On this episode of the Adventure Calls podcast, we talk to the founder of the world's first interactive map that catalogs LGBTQ+ owned businesses around the world - 12,500 are listed so far, and counting! 

 Learn how Charlie Sprinkman’s job visiting 47 out of 50 states in 2019 kicked off this sneaking suspicion that there are queer folks and queer-owned businesses to be found everywhere, and how his move to Oregon allowed him to create the popular Everywhere Is Queer website and app, whose exponential growth has brought on over 12,500 listings around the world on the site. Charlie has filled such a need that we didn’t know we could have. App downloads hit over 75,000 in the first nine weeks with $0 spent in marketing.

Below are the key takeaways from this episode:

  • Community Growth and Sustainability: Charlie Sprinkman discusses the impressive growth of the Everywhere Queer app, which had 75,000 downloads in just 9 weeks, and his goal to build a sustainable job while preventing burnout by 2024.
  • Income Generation and Future Plans: The app generates revenue through premium listings and Instagram partnerships. Charlie is exploring funding, donations, and merchandise sales to support the venture.
  • Supporting Queer-Owned Businesses: The Everywhere is Queer platform now has over 12,000 listings globally, with specific categories for nonprofits and local community groups, supporting the visibility and viability of queer-owned businesses worldwide.
  • Personal and Professional Journey: Charlie Sprinkman shares his personal experience of coming out in a conservative small town environment and his professional background, which includes extensive travel and a passion for connecting with queer communities.
  • Empowering the Queer Community Abroad: Jess and Charlie discuss how the platform helps queer individuals and their families find community and safe spaces when relocating, reinforcing the essential role of community support in thriving abroad.

For all of you looking to find queer community in your move abroad, this resource is becoming a priceless tool for you.

Find Charlie Sprinkman:

TikTok: @everywhereisqueer 
Instagram: @everywhereisqueer

Brought to you by Rainbow Relocation Strategies
The Adventure Calls podcast is brought to you by Rainbow Relocation Strategies, the first and only LGBTQ+ centered company focused on creating your international relocation strategy for when you're ready to move abroad. 

Instagram: @rainbowrelo

The Adventure Calls podcast host, Jessica Drucker, can be found online at:

Book: How To Move Abroad
Guide: Global Relocation Guide

Everyone. Welcome back to the Adventure Calls podcast. I'm your host, Jess Drucker. As always on the show, our goal is to empower queer folks and their families to move, live and thrive abroad. Now, I don't know if you've ever been traveling in a certain location and you've been around a lot of straight people sort of all day, all night, the whole vacation, for example, and you just wonder, like, where are the queers? Are there any LGBTQ people here? Are there any businesses that are queer owned or where I might find some queer folks? Maybe you felt like that or maybe you haven't. But there's one thing that I know for sure now, and it's that everywhere is queer. How do I know that? Well, Move, obviously through life experience we know there's always queer people somewhere, but today's interview I could not be more excited about is with Charlie Spinkman, the founder of Everywhere is Queer, which is both a website and an app that has listings for queer owned businesses around the world. This is such an amazing tool for us to use as travelers and also as expats, both future expats and also current expats looking to find community in our towns and cities that we choose to live in abroad. As you'll hear from Charlie, this is something that started super organically. He has spent $0 of marketing on everywhere is queer and yet there are now 12,000 or over 12,000 listings primarily still in the US but there are thousands in other countries as well. This is such an amazing tool and you will hear me say so constantly at today's show. I was definitely fangirling a little bit for Charlie. But honestly, I can't imagine having had a tool like this when I first Move, for example, in in in Costa Rica or when I lived in Guatemala, for example, I would Move loved to just know that there's like a little bookshop or a little cafe that was queer owned. I had some community, but not a ton of queer community living in those plus, and it just would Move been amazing to know, hey, if I go into this place, this is a fully safe space for me to be in. I don't have to worry about anything related to my queerness. And if you take that to scale and even just looking toward the future of how how many listings there could be on Everywhere is Queer, What an amazing resource to have for us to find safe spaces anywhere we move. And I think this tool and, of course, today's interview really fall into the thrive category. You know, we say we empower queer folks to move, live, and thrive abroad, and this is really about moving. And this is why I'm so enthusiastic about Everywhere is Queer because you can move abroad. That is one set of steps in a process to go live in another country whether that's for a year or for the rest of your life. And you can live in another country, meaning you can set up a bank account and get a job and, you know, find a realtor and move into an apartment. Your kids can go to school, you can go to the grocery store, and you can live abroad. But it's the thriving that makes it such a transformative experience, and it's the thriving that really gives you the skills yourself that you never could have imagined before and it's what really makes the moving abroad and living abroad experience what I would consider to be one of the best things that you can do. I really want everyone to thrive abroad. I'm so proud of everyone that moves abroad. I'm so proud of everyone that lives abroad, but to thrive abroad is really to get the full round shape of the experience. And being able to find queer community for queer folks is a huge part of thriving abroad for us. It can be difficult to find community. We know that there are LGBTQ centers in certain plus, we know that there are Facebook groups that we can join, but to know where the actual in person physical safe spaces are and where you might find actual in real life queer community where you move is so thrilling to me that we can do that, that we can have something like everywhere is queer and we can find that. So without further ado, I can't wait to get Charlie on here to talk more about Everywhere is Queer. And as you'll hear him say, he just, launched a new merch line to help support his work, but also if you are a queer owned business no matter where you are in the world that could be a retail business or even an online business. You can go to the website, check-in the show notes for the listings link, and please enjoy today's Call is Queer. Charlie, thank you so much for being on the show today. I appreciate it so much. I'm so excited to talk about your baby, Everywhere is Queer. Can you please introduce yourself and just like in a nutshell, in an elevator pitch, talk a little bit about what Everywhere is Queer is. Yeah. I'm just so grateful to be here. Thanks for having me on. My name is Charlie Sprinkman. I use hethey pronouns, founder of Everywhere is Queer, which is a worldwide map of queer owned businesses, and soon to be expanding into more. Yeah. And more is what I wanna get into because I've been watching you develop. Call always sounds creepy when I say it. I have always caveat. I'm not a creep. I'm just very enthusiastic. But I've been watching this grow over the last little bit of time, and it seems like it's almost getting exponential in growth. Because a couple weeks ago, you were saying you had, like, 11,500 listings, and then now you're saying you have 12,000 in just a short amount of time. Yep. So I can't wait to get into that. But before we do, I would like to know a little bit about Charlie. Like, where did you grow up and sort of, like, where are you based now for starters? Yeah. Yeah. I'm from small town Wisconsin originally. Represent the Midwest. I'm from outside Chicago too. So we have that very nearby. Yeah. Great. Yeah. I'm from small town Pewaukee, Wisconsin. So I grew up there, went to undergrad in Colorado, and I call Portland, Oregon home now. So I'm out on the Jess Coast. And when did you sort of know that you were queer? Oh, gosh. I think, like, as a little child, I definitely battled a lot of things in my head. I knew I was a little different. But I was raised conservative Catholic where I was told that if you're gay or whatever queer, you're going to hell. So I mean, I truly, truly told myself that I was straight. Like, I I I maybe had thoughts, feelings, emotions, but, like, wasn't able to name it. Like, I was never confident enough in my head to be, like, I am queer. You know? Totally. So it was a battle until college when I kinda had left Wisconsin, found a whole new community of people that I was like, woah. You all have these, like, interviews of, like, being liberal. And I'm like, woah, liberal people, like these perspectives. I was just like, at 18 years old, I was like, I didn't even know people thought like this, you know? And that's when I 3 years later then is when I came out. So It's a process. It was quite the process. Yeah. Yeah. No. I understand. You know, growing up, I didn't even know that Wisconsin was because we didn't think about things in terms of, like, red and blue so much growing up with the way that it is now. But I didn't realize Wisconsin was really so conservative, you know, compared to the Chicagoland area, which is so nearby. Yeah. You know, my hot take is that I have been to 47 of the 50 states outside every metropolitan area. It's I don't wanna say the same, but it is very darn similar, you know, outside Asheville, North Carolina to Chicago to Milwaukee to Portland to Seattle to San Francisco. I mean, rural California, rural it's like, you know. That's true, actually. Yeah. Even California, which is like super blue. Oh, yeah. I mean, outside Chicago, like, you go further further, you know, Yes. Yeah. For sure. So you just touched on something I'm fascinated by. This is I don't think this is directly related to Everything is Queer. You did just mention 47 out of 50 states, and I saw in your about page that there was some reason why you slept at least 1 night in 41 out of 50 states. Are you willing to discuss this adventure? This is the adventure calls podcast. Yes. I mean, that was actually a job that took my first job out of college. I was a rep for an organic beverage company. They were like, here's a van, go hit the road. I was 100% Strategies for the job, and I did not have a home. They put me up in an Airbnb and hotel every single night of my life, and I had everything in that van. I did not live necessarily out of the van. So all you van lifers listening, I was not I was I what I would say a bougie van lifer because they did put me up in an Airbnb, you know, hotel every night of my life, and they paid for my meals. So, like, not really van life. But, yeah, that took me, I drove 8,000, 80,000 miles in that van. It took, like, a 155 flights or something crazy that year, 2018. So I was gold bar on the airlines. I was gold star in the hotels. I was 22 years old, and I was rolling in. And they're like, mister Sprinkman, welcome to the hotel. And I'm like, woah. I'm like, I ripped shorts and yeah. But that sounds like so much fun. And good thing you got the job in 2019 and not 2020. I know. Because then I chose I I after doing that for a year, I was like, okay. This is too much. It's so fun. But, like, I need community. I'm freshly out. So I moved to New York City. And, February 4, 2020, signed a queer lease in Brooklyn, New York. No. 6 weeks later, the pandemic hits pretty I mean, it hit in other places, but New York City in the Strategies was, like, the spot and had flown back to Wisconsin for a funeral on March 16th and ended up getting stuck in Wisconsin for 3 months. Wow. That's crazy. And then what brought you out to Portland? Why why was that where you ended up now? I had friends my roommates in college actually moved to Bend, Oregon. And so I went out to Bend for pride actually in June, and there was this big bike ride, pride bike ride happening in Bend. And I was like, I wanna move here, you know, this this fits. And so I moved to Bend for 2 years, started everywhere as queer, January 2nd, 2022. And then after a year and a half call almost to years, I was, like, I I wanna grow my business in a space that's a little bit bigger. I'd have spaces to maybe more network and connect with more queer owned businesses and 475 queer owned businesses on our platform in Portland, Oregon. Yeah. That's amazing. Okay. So where you know, I think that the impetus for everywhere's queer kinda came from your time, obviously, like sort of criss crossing the US at least. But can you talk a little bit Abroad, you know, where where did you get this idea and what made you actually go for it? Like, do Absolutely. It definitely was an ex huge experience was that whole travel of that queer, 2019, doing all of that. Seeing all these spaces, you know, I had not thought of the idea yet. In 2021, I went and volunteered at a queer youth leadership camp outside of LA called Brave Trails. And being in that space of a 100 queer people, I walked away from that as one that experienced and has still experiences a lot of voice dysphoria. Being in that space, my biggest takeaway there was I was just like, wow. I I never once thought about my voice. You know, not one person commented on it. Not, you know, and and it just had taken this huge weight off my shoulders that one week. What a nice observation. Yeah. How freeing. And so I walked away from that experience and I was like, wow, queer and trans people deserve to take that weight off our shoulders on the more day to day basis. And so how could I do that at a greater scale? And I was like, I need to connect them with the space is that we'll see them for their most authentic selves. And I said, a worldwide map of queer owned businesses and Googled, Googled, Googled, I could not find anything. And it took about 6 months, you know, I sat with my friends. I was like, hey, call, like, what do you think of this idea? And friends were like, this is a good idea, you know. Like, I think think you're to moving. And I was like, I think I can, like, make it as not a tech person, you know. And so I figured out I was just googling all these, mapping forms and I mean, I was like, what can I do for free? You know? Because I didn't have a lot of money to spend on I didn't wanna invest on this little idea. So Google My Maps was my original, like, map. I don't know if you saw the original map, but it is it's it's very much improved with our app, I will say today. Okay. Got it. But yeah. So that I I just I'm a little entrepreneur at heart. You know? My father is an entrepreneur. I did go through my major was entrepreneurship in university. Oh, wow. That's fitting. Yeah. I know which I actually walked away from university and was like, I didn't like that at call. Like, capitalism, you know, I turned this like vegan, you know, climate change activists, you know, post college. Yeah. So it's it's been it was fitting. Yes. Yeah. But it's also it's so it's not a straight line. You know? It's not like you were, like, I'm gonna do this and then a 100%, you Jess, like, started doing it, but you explored it for a while. Yeah. So I I launched I just I worked with a queer graphic designer out of LA that I had met, a friend had introduced me to. They created my logo. I posted it to Instagram. You literally can see just a square a white square background with my logo, like, no really thought behind it. Like, I'm not gonna curate this beautiful photo. I just posted it to Instagram and, you know, I just started, like, using our the resources that we have, which I mean, Instagram, I searched queer hashtag queer owned on Instagram, 80,000 hashtags with that at that point. Amazing. And so I Jess started messaging businesses that said on Instagram, you know, hashtag queer owned, and I was like, building a world wide map of queer owned businesses, here's a free Relocation. It was a Google form. It takes one second to fill out and 99% of businesses were like, wait, this is so call, and they Strategies. And then I would follow-up and I would say, hey, you're now on our worldwide map of queer owned businesses. Please share. And they would all share on their Strategies, and then it just built this whole cycle to what is still happening to this moment. It is so cool. And so obviously, you know, for for me, just as a traveler, you know, someone who traveled so much, for so long, I can't imagine having had something like this. You know, like, I'm a little bit older now, and so they this stuff didn't exist when especially when I was a nomadic. I can't imagine how it would Move felt. Across the US, I think it's so uniting because we can feel like we're in so much trouble as queer folks here. Like, it just feels like, are there safe spaces? And, of course, there are. But to see it on a map, I think there's something like there's parrot some something paradigm shifting as well Jess to see like, wow. Like, it's not just like, oh, I could go to this call. A queer person owns it. Like, I think we all kind of know that probably in lots of places there is that. It's just also for me this paradigm shift of, like, look at the world. It is queer. Everywhere is queer. And you're right. In in the name, I mean, it's amazing. I was looking you know, I think the numbers are probably even different now, but, like, a 101 places in Thailand or, like, that area, you know, Southeast Asia, the like, 1200 in the UK, over 77,000. I mean, in the eastern US, 33100 up by you somewhere in Portland. Can I ask you, like, I have more other questions about, like, individuals, but how does this make you see the world differently? Because you're in this, looking at it through this lens. Yeah. How has this shifted your worldview? Yeah. You know, I it Jess is confirming that everywhere is queer. And I knew it. You know. I I like, I knew before even having to map out this experience for people to see. I knew that we were everywhere. And I I've been several places outside of the United States and had the same experience in the states, you know, of like I meet queer people. I see queer people. I know I meet business owners. But beyond just business owners, I just meet queer people that exist there, you know. Yeah. And it's really cool to see globally how our resource is growing even outside the United States, you know. I have put I've actually spent $0 on marketing, my platform, since starting it. I've only used the power of social media and free resources, built a newsletter of 40,000 people. And, it's all just I've I've spent no money. And so it's like, whatever what I'm trying to say is that, you know, I want to reach more people globally. We're growing globally. I mean, we have reached globally. I need to be kinder to myself, you know? Yeah. You sure do. I mean, I saw it, like, Australia looks like it's booming. I mean, and and it's like like, you're right. Like, obviously, they're all there. There's something about seeing them all on this map. Have you are you sort of manually reaching out to people, like DMing them, emailing them? And, like, you have connections all over the world now to all these queer owned businesses. I know. I know. I'm telling you, anywhere I go in the world now, I'm like, oh, I just get to open my platform and connect with that business and get all the local recommendations, you know. I was just, in Hawaii for a wedding and I was able to reach out to the organizations in Honolulu and be like, there weren't too many in Honolulu, which I know that there's more. So if you know of any queer businesses in Honolulu, they'll apply via the profile tab of our app. The owners will. But I reached out and I was like, hey, where should we go as as queer people? And they were like, here, here, here, here and here. And I'm like, thank you, you know. I was in Fort Lauderdale, Florida passing through, and they were like, you gotta go here, here, and here. And I was like, thank you. You know? It's amazing. I mean, that's one of the things. So for me, when when I'm helping queer folks relocate, right, and and move abroad, finding community can be really hard. And as a queer person without a resource like this, you know, you can go okay. For example, you can go to the LGBTQ Adventure and things like that, which is a fantastic resource in cities that have them. Yes. But those are organizations that already exist and that that are funded. Right? But, like, otherwise, it can be really hard because, like, if you're not gonna go to a gay club, you know, if that's not your thing, it's like, well, where should I go? How do I find community? Yeah. And if you're looking to, like, put down roots, it can be really hard to find Yeah. Community. Yeah. And then you open up your map, and you're like, I'll just go sit in this cafe. Like, this is a good start. It's that for me, this is probably and I'm not being paid to say this today. Like, this is probably one of the most useful resources for queer folks looking to move abroad because you say you don't have a lot of international or you could use Move, but there are so many that I see in the countries that I know people who are queer wanna move to. Yeah. What a gift and an incredible resource for people to create community abroad. It's amazing. Thanks. And, you know, I will just say we're receiving a 100 to 200 applications a week. And so just keep checking back because it's just growing rapidly. And to answer your question previously here, I don't reach out to organizations anymore. I'm so grateful. It is all just word-of-mouth happening. It is all Wow. Social media. It is all the world is just talking about everywhere is queer right now, and, I could not be more grateful. I mean, I get messages every single day of, like, telling all my friends. I'm telling all my friends, and I'm like, thank you. Like, I I thanks. Thanks. I didn't even ask you to do that. But I'm so grateful. I mean, because I, as you say, you know, like, other people are saying the same thing. It's like people need to know about this resource. And I'm so grateful to come on something like this so others can learn about our free resource. Our app is free on iOS and Android. It is. I have it on my phone. I use it all the time. I'm not kidding. I mean, I love it. I have to to, like, on the you not being a techie piece, the tech works. I mean Well, I have a developer who is Okay. We had a full queer a queer developer who made the app. One queer person, Chris and I worked for 7 months every single day to build that app. And this is version 1. I mean, we have a million ideas of where we wanna go. So just stay with us because, I mean, we have so many ideas and fun things to come. So Well, it's not like we're waiting for anything. I mean, it's fully useful now. You know? I mean, you can use it now for exactly what you want it to be, and then also continue to to watch you grow. But, like, for now, I've already scoped out all the businesses around where I live, like, almost the whole state, honestly, just to, like, see everything. I've looked in every city that I used to live in. You know, I used to live in, like, Antigua and in Costa Rica and Guatemala and stuff like that. And I look to see what's listed there just to, like, scope it out and how things are developing. But But it it works now for for what it is fully. Yeah. I mean Thanks. Fully functional. It I I thanks. I I agree. My brain is always like, you know, wheels are turning of, like, the next the next big thing. Make it better. I mean, great. I mean, make it even better. That's fantastic for everyone. Yeah. And so what are you sort of, like, most excited about this year? I mean, for for me watching you do grow this from the outside and using your platform, it's really the growth is insane and so exciting for me. I can only imagine what it feels like for you to just be, like, watching this happen. Like you said, you're reactive now. You're not even proactively reaching out. What does 2024 look call? And, like, what are you most excited about? Yeah. I think, I'm most excited about all that this is going to build into and just continuing to build this community. I mean, the everywhere queer community is truly the most amazing humans I have ever got to talk with, you know, it's just like, I can't believe it. Like, every day I get to wake up to these Instagram DMs that are like, the kindest so many people offering to volunteer their time. You know? I know I'm it's Jess like so many people, and I'm like, thank you, but I don't I don't need it. You know? It's just like so sweet. But just people like this person that was like, I work at a$1,000,000,000 company annually and someone in our pride resource group just shared everywhere as queer and I jumped out of my seat because I was so excited and they, like, sent me a screenshot of the message and their work, you know, pride group and this is like so kind, you know. It's like they didn't have to do all that to just share that this is, like, so kind, you know. It's like they didn't have to do all that to just share that with me, you know. To answer your question, what am I most excited for? I'm gonna be honest here. I've been working so hard to facilitate where I've gotten. I'm tired. I'm tired. And so I'm trying to my intentions are to maybe not have to do as much meaning like, I don't have to build call these million things. Maybe we can slow down, make this a sustainable job for me and not get burnt out. So my intentions at 2024, like, let's just keep it working, build the community that it is. I know. And we're obviously all so hungry for it. You know? I think Yeah. Everybody as like you were moving, as a travel to, you know, like, before you travel somewhere, like, check out at least have, like, 2 or 3 places that are queer that you find on everywhere is queer on your list of, you know, your itinerary. Yeah. It's amazing. I I think it's great. I think it's I'm I'm happy for you that you can say you wanna slow down, that you wanna, like, take a minute because I'm sure that this has been a literal labor of love. It has. I mean, I I have overworked myself in a in in ways that not maybe not the healthiest because I want it to be a thing. I want I see how much people want it. You know? I mean, it already is happening. 75,000 downloads in 9 weeks of the app being live is just crazy. You know? Crazy. It's crazy with $0 spent on a marketing, Like, no campaign was Move. You know? But, like, what's your, if you don't mind me moving, and I can take this out if you want, but, like, what's the business model? How are you are you earning money from this? Because everything I'm hearing so far, which is amazing, is free, free, free, free. Yeah. Free, free. I make money via the premium listings in apps. So, organizations can pay$49 a month to put their business at the top of the list in their area. They also get added into a private Discord server where they can network with businesses regionally in their area or call like, within their category. But really you can network with all 350 plus businesses a part of this private Discord server. So that's one way. And then, you know, Instagram brings in partnerships and stuff like that. That was, like, my primary income before the app, and now it's transitioning to the app is is my primary income. And I would like to, you know, build that out more to make it so I could pay myself a salary. You know? I I imagine. I know. 2024, get Charlie a salary. Yeah. I mean, you're putting it into the universe. Would you ever take funding? In a way that people don't have opinions. You know? Sure. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Free you would take free money. I always will take free money. Yes. But and what about donations? Do you have Relocation like a donation, button here? Space. Yeah. I do. The thing is I'm an LLC, so it's not a tax write off. Right. You know, but I will take any donations that people wanna give. There's a donation spot on my website. So grateful for the people that have donated. I did just launch a little merch line just recently. I had 2 things in the cart. I just discovered this while I was researching, so I will hit send. Yes. You cute little crewneck and tote bags. I'm not a big merch person. So I wanted to create 2 things that like I personally love, which are crewnecks and tote bags. Mhmm. So for now, that's what the everywhere queer merch is. People have asked me for more and more and more, and I just I don't love the merch personally like that route. So I'm gonna do other things. Yeah, I'm gonna I'm gonna try to go without investment. You know, When you take on investment, you get a lot of opinions, you know Sure. People, and I just don't I don't I don't want that right now. So if I'm able to do without, we're gonna try. Maybe one day I will. I will say that there have to spend people so a few celebrities actually who just have reached out and I have not even met in person or anything. And they were like, here adventure you need to work queer. You know? Wow. It's like a whole list of LGBTQ affirming invest. I mean, it's just like, people are so kind. So kind. That's unbelievable. That's amazing. I'm I'm so excited for you. I'm so proud of you. I mean, I I I haven't even ever met you before today, but I'm proud of you. In person one day. I yes. We will. I I really hope so. I can't think of a a resource that's just more practical for finding the queer community abroad. Yeah. I mean, we have 31 different categories for folks listening anywhere from therapists, lawyers, bars, restaurants, wellness categories, real estate agents, you name it. And I also I mean, just to expand on what you do, we do have a queer serving community group category, which is meant for the nonprofits, the local community groups. You do not have to be a 501c3 as we know there's barriers to entry to be on our platform. But that's your queer running clubs, your queer pickleball groups, your queer d and d groups, you know, moving, your queer organizations that are building queer community within wherever you are in the world. And so if you are any of those groups, you'll apply via the profile tab of the app. Our only to questions for that category is that you're queer founded and that you're queer serving. So the people that attend your your events are queer people, and it was founded by queer people. So by queer people for queer people. What's better than that? Seriously. Yeah. And so, I mean, all owners will apply via the profile tab of the app. If you know of a queer owned business, tell them about our resource because we want the owners to apply. We want their consent to be on our platform. I approve every single business. I do not add. So call 12,000, actually looking at it right now, 12,300 that we're at, I have approved with my own to eyes. Amazing. And what tech let's just make sure that everybody hears it, but what's the website and where can people find you on social? At everywhere is queer on Instagram and TikTok, And our app is called everywhere is queer free on iOS and Android. Give us a 5 star review if you like us. We're currently rocking to 5 star reviews on Android and iOS. So So I will go do that right now, and everybody else should download and do that as well. Thank you so much, Charli. I really appreciate that you came on the show today. Thanks for having me. I mean, so grateful. I hope you enjoyed this week's episode of the Adventure Calls podcast with Charlie Spinkman. Please head over to everywhere is queer call also whether you have Android or Apple, go on go ahead and download that app. Use it as a travel tool. Use it as a community building tool and definitely help him by giving him those 5 star reviews. I would definitely go do the same thing right now. If you are interested in moving abroad or at least getting started in the process, head over to Rainbow Relocation com and give us a shout. That's what we're here for. Rainbow Relocation strategies is literally meant to empower you to move, live, and thrive abroad. You can join our Facebook group, Queer Expats. Just go ahead and search that in the search bar on Facebook, Queer Expats. And then, of course, you can pick up our book and our global relocation guide. The book's called How to Move Abroad and Why it's the Jess thing you'll do, and our adventure calls global relocation guide. It's both available on Amazon. Go ahead and pick those up as call, and if you just have any little questions, please feel free to email Move, and I wanna leave you with this. Not everyone dreams about moving abroad. Not everyone wonders what it's like to move to a different country. Not everyone goes on vacation and looks at Zillow at housing prices and wonders what it might be like to live there. Not everyone does those things. So if you are someone who's doing those things, who's dreaming about those things, don't discount that voice. Don't think, oh, this is something that everybody does. Not everybody does that. If there's a voice inside of you that says that you're looking for a bigger adventure, listen to that voice. Don't ignore that voice. That's your true authentic voice, and you are someone who wants to see what it's like to live somewhere else on this planet, and that makes perfect sense. Don't discount it because you think, oh, everyone wishes they could go do that. No, they don't. There's lots of people who never wanna go do that. So if you're hearing that voice, listen to yourself, listen to that voice. This is your life and I just encourage you to follow your call to adventure.