The Adventure Calls Podcast
This is a show with queer folks talking about moving, living and thriving abroad, and relocation specialists in countries around the world who can help you to do the same.
Putting queer folks front and center, Adventure Calls podcasts empowers LGBTQ+ folks and their families to move, live and thrive abroad. Host Jess Drucker interviews experts on relocation, immigration, nomadic and other travel-based lifestyles, international education, finding global queer communities and all the grainy details of actually making a life abroad.
The Adventure Calls Podcast
On Leaving Los Angeles and Finding Fame in Mexico, with Cafe Con Leche Travels
One year ago, Travis came home to his Los Angeles apartment after a run and said to his partner, David, "Let's get out of here." David is a singer and Travis is a writer / standup comic, and the two entertainers had lost most gigs due to the pandemic.
Despite having only ever traveled abroad once, David was more ready than ever to get out the US, and so the pair moved to Mexico. But then Travis convinced David to something even bolder than moving abroad... they officially became YouTubers! And thank goodness that they did.
David and Travis are known online as Cafe Con Leche Travels, and they are a queer, interracial, vegan couple who feel safe, seen and definitely 'satisfecho' (full of yummy vegan food) in Mexico. This interview reveals just how possible it is to live a happy life abroad, as long as you take the leap, and what an amazing country Mexico is to live in and discover!
Find Cafe Con Leche Travels
Website: https://cafeconlechetravels.com
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/cafeconlechetravels
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@cafeconlechetravels?
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cafeconlechetravels
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cafeconlechetravels
Find David Simmons Jr
Website: https://www.davidsimmonsjr.com
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/DavidSimmonsJr
Find Travis Grossi
Website: https://www.travisgrossi.com
Unsubscribe Newsletter: https://unsubscribe.substack.com
Find Jessica Drucker
Website: www.jessicadrucker.com
Coaching: www.jessicadrucker.com/coaching
How To Move Abroad Book: www.jessicadrucker.com/book
2022 Global Relocation Guide: www.jessicadrucker.com/guide
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jessicadrucker
Linkinbio: https://linktr.ee/jessicavdrucker
*Get Your Free Move Abroad Checklist at www.jessicadrucker.com/checklist*
Episode Sponsors:
Get Your Wanderfest Tickets at www.wanderfestevent.com/adventurecalls
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